Discoholics Anonymous Recordings is back with another whopping Best Of compilation, following up on last year’s volume 1.
Special price and bonus track on Bandcamp only.
Sonic Soul said:
Aus unterschiedlichsten Ecken und Kanten tragen die DISCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS ihre Edits, und sonstigen Mischereien, zusammen. Aus Pop, Rock, Soul, Funk und Sonstas wird Dance, Dance, Dance! Bestens nachzuvollziehen auf der aktuellen Ausgqabe ihrer „Best Of…“ Kompilationen.
(The DISCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS bring their edits and other mixes together from a wide variety of corners and edges. Pop, rock, soul, funk and other things become dance, dance, dance! This can be best understood on the current edition of their “Best Of…” compilations.)
– Sonic Soul Reviews