So, that was that then. 2023 blazed by like a monkey train out of control! What a year it was!

I have worked hard to continuously add reviews, exclusive content and podcasts over the course of the year, and you guys kept coming back for more. Just to let you know: I am humbled by the level of visits and engagements from you on my SoMe channels.

I introduced a new series of exclusive DJ mixes in the Discoholics Anonymous Presents series. I’m very excited to continue this series with more mindbendingly cool DJ sets in 2024. Thanks to Jet Boot Jack and MartinMax for doing such I N C R E D I B L E mixes in 2023!

Thanks to all labels and artists giving me amazing tracks to premiere. Soooo many awesome tracks getting heard and discovered by thousands! That was AWESOME being able to share those!

Again in 2024 I have invited a special guest to create a very special mix for Valentine’s Day, February 14th.

Hot To The Touch continues its 4th year. I’m happy to report that MartinMax & Mauro Vecchi will both be continuing on the show, and I’m equally happy to continue working with Prime Radio and the marvelous Yiannis Tsitsoni. You can catch it every Friday from 8-9PM CET on, with a live chat. All back episodes can be caught on

I’m also proud to once again having been nominated to the OGV Music Awards for best blog and best radio show. Thanks for nominating and voting.

I ended the year the usual way: the Discoholics Anonymous compilation! Thousands have dowloaded it already. Thank you for all the donations. They are all used for creating even more exclusive content for this blog, and securing it, keeping it safe.

As it says in LeBaron James’ “Tequila Sunrise”: Driven by the low end – We move together!

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